Neighborhood Action Plan Summary - Phase I


Southeast Como
Year One
Housing *
Mod #s
1.1.A.H.1 Priorizing Improvements _ $15,325.00 _$2,300.00 _______$17,625.00 $17,625.00   23
1.1.A.H.2.ab Revolving Loan Program $100,000.00 $376,500.00 $276,500.00 $176,500.00 $76,500.00 $22,000.00 _____$1,028,000.00 $1,028,000.00   1,11,13,16,17,18,19,20,21,22
1.2.A.H.3 Rental Licensing _ __________      1
1.2.A.H.4 Implement Codes _ __________      12
1.2.A.H.5 Non-Residential Owner / Tenant Info _ __________      1
1.3.A.H.6 Neighborhood Events _ __________      1
1.3.A.H.7 Housing Info/Resources $10,000.00 __________$10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 1,2,21
1.3.B.H.8 Resource Center $18,704.17 $26,343.68 $21,224.00 $21,224.00 $21,224.00 $21,427.58 $17,090.64 ____$130,147.43 $75,485.51 $17,090.64 11,12,15,19
2.1.A.E.1 Thoroughfare Greening $5,500.00 __________$5,500.00     2
2.1.A.E.2 Neighborhood Greening $1,000.00 __________$1,000.00      
2.1.A.E.3 Neighborhood Gateways / Signs $3,244.25 __________$3,244.25     2,15
2.1.A.E.4 Bus Stop Planning _ __________      2
2.1.B.E.5 Community Gardening and Greening $25,577.63 $21,200.00 $15,100.00 $10,600.00 $10,600.00 $10,600.00 $6,517.04 $21,025.00 $10,000.00 __$93,677.63   $37,542.04 10,11,12,14,15,16,17,19
2.1.B.E.6 Public Trees _ _$6,600.00 ________$6,600.00     19
2.2.A.E.7 SEMI Participation $1,110.00 __________$1,110.00     1,2,14
2.2.A.E.8.ab Habitat Project _ __________      3,15
2.3.A.E.10 Stakeholder Dialogues/Good Neighbor $195.00 __________$195.00     15
2.3.A.E.11 Pollution Prevention $2,990.00 $20,910.00 $17,320.43 $31,363.08 $17,406.92 $11,080.00 $33,251.68 _$40,000.00 $34,300.00 _$101,070.43   $107,551.68 6,11,14,15,17,18
2.3.B.E.12 Permit Tracking _ __________      1
2.3.B.E.13 Monitor Odors _ __________      1
2.3.C.E.14 Air Pollution Education/Planning _ __________      1
3.1.A.PS.1 Lighting Needs/Opportunities _ __________      2
3.1.A.PS.2 Lighting - 15th and Como $1,000.00 __________$1,000.00     6,9
3.1.B.PS.3.ab Block Clubs $1,200.00 ___$23.08 ______$1,223.08     6,15
3.1.C.PS.5 Safety Improvements _ __________      12
3.1.D.PS.6 Cops on Bikes _ _$2,139.57 $5,160.00 $5,160.00 $5,355.03 _____$14,794.17   $3,020.43 5,14,19
3.1.E.PS.7 Graffiti Reduction _ __________      6
3.1.F.PS.8 Safer Public Spaces _ __________      6
3.2.A.PS.9 Safety/Security Information _ __________      1
3.2.C.PS.10 Safety Resources _ __________      1
3.2.C.PS.11 Welcome Packet _ __________      1
4.1.A.S.1 Tuttle School - Playground $43,422.37 __________$43,422.37     12
4.1.A.S.2 Tuttle School Grounds $7,655.83 $42,280.00 $70,280.00 $9,640.00 _______$129,855.83     4,6,10,19
5.1.A.P.1 Van Cleve Park - Sports Fields $69,000.00 __________$69,000.00     3
5.2.A.P.2 Van Cleve - Park Council $6,000.00 __________$6,000.00      
5.2.A.P.3 Van Cleve Event(s) _ __________      1
5.2.A.P.4 Van Cleve Park Programming _ $44,500.00 $37,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 _____$87,500.00      
5.2.A.P.5 Van Cleve Park Improvements _ $48,300.00 _________$48,300.00      
6.1.A.B.1.ab SE Como Business Association $1,522.91 __________$1,522.91     6,10
6.1.B.B.2 Home-Based Businesses $2,500.00 __________$2,500.00      
6.1.B.B.3 Business Communications _ __________      1
6.1.C.B.4 Business/Service Directory _ __________      1
6.2.A.B.5 Business Improvements _ __________      19
6.2.A.B.6 Fix-up Programs _ $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 _____$70,000.00      
6.4.A.B.10 Graphic Identity _ __________      2
6.4.B.B.11 Public Parking at 15th and Como _ __________      6
7.1.A.CS.1.ab Community Education $1,500.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 _____$5,000.00     1,7
7.1.B.CS.2 Fitness Programs _ __________      1
7.1.C.CS.3 Southeast Library _ $2,468.88 _________$2,468.88     10
7.2.A.CS.4 Community Service Information _ __________      1
7.2.A.CS.5 Promotion of Services _ $1,140.74 _________$1,140.74     10,15
7.2.A.CS.6 Southeast Organization Networking _ __________      10
7.3.A.CS.7.ab Southeast Seniors $10,000.00 $10,000.00 _________$20,000.00      
7.4.A.CS.8 Youth Employment Program $2,500.00 __________$2,500.00      
7.4.A.CS.9 Transportation for Children _ __________      2
7.4.B.CS.10 Way to Grow $2,382.61 __________$2,382.61     10
7.4.B.CS.11 Toy and Book Lending Library _ $2,422.16 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $500.00 _____$5,422.16     10
8.1.A.T.1 Traffic Study _ __________      2
8.1.A.T.2 University Cooperation _ __________      1,10
8.1.B.T.4 Crosswalks at 15th and Como _ __________      8
8.1.C.T.5 Traffic Calming on Talmadge _ $4,002.55 _________$4,002.55     14,22
8.2.B.T.7 Alley Speed Bumps $1,140.00 __________$1,140.00     9,10
8.3.A.T.8 Metro Transit Buses _ __________      10
8.3.A.T.9 University Transit Services _ __________      1
8.4.A.T.10 Talmadge-Rollins Bike Route _ __________      2,8,12
8.4.A.T.11 Bike Diverter and 17th and Rollins _ __________      8,14
8.4.A.T.12 Bike Racks/Benches _ __________      2,14
8.4.A.T.13 Grand Round/U of M Connection _ __________      2
8.4.B.T.14 Bike Safety Awareness Day _ __________      1
9.1.A.CB.1 Neighborhood Office/Resource Center $24,980.00 __________$24,980.00 $14,488.40    
9.1.B.CB.2 Neighborhood Staff $69,600.00 __________$69,600.00 $40,368.00   2
9.1.B.CB.3 Staff and Office $5,355.23 $68,248.54 $56,900.00 $53,857.35 $51,900.00 $68,950.82 $37,510.64 $61,674.80 $45,000.00 $59,700.00 $62,000.00 $305,211.94 $177,022.93 $265,885.44 8,10,11,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
9.1.C.CB.4 Comotion Newsletter $1,800.00 __________$1,800.00 $1,044.00    
9.1.C.CB.5 Town Meetings $2,900.00 __________$2,900.00 $1,682.00   1
9.1.C.CB.6 Communications Plan $8,450.00 __________$8,450.00     1, 2
9.1.C.CB.7 Communications $14,000.00 $10,200.00 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 $5,630.00 $17,300.20 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 _$53,000.00 $30,740.00 $33,930.20 8,11,12,16,17,18,19
9.1.D.CB.8 Resource Programs _ $626.10 $3,300.00 $1,719.57 _______$5,645.67     15,22
9.1.E.CB.9 University Relations _ $8,000.00 $500.00 ________$8,500.00     6,15
PHASE 1r TOTAL  $3,171.35   $13,025.00               $16,196.35   $12,500.00  
TOTAL$445,230.00 $726,339.00 $535,764.00 $346,289.00 $203,214.00 $156,793.00 $2,413,629.00 $1,396,455.83 $487,520.43  
% FOR HOUSING58%    
*Some values in the Total Housing column are administrative costs that are housing related.
No.Plan Step ModifiedApprovedDescription
1First Step11/02/98 The NRP Director approved a modification to the First Step plan to shift $13,400 in 1998 and modify the wording of several strategies. The specific changes are as follows: (1) $2,100 is added to SEMI Participation (Environment II.A.E7.) to be funded by (a) $500 from Environmental Survey (Environment III.A.E9.), (b) $300 from Permit Tracking (Environment III.B.E12.), (c) $300 from Monitor Odors (Environment III.B.E13.), and (d) $1,000 from Air Pollution Education/Planning; (2) $500 is added to Community Education (Community Services I.A.CS1.) to be funded by $500 from Fitness Programs (Community Services I.B.CS2.); (3) $1,500 is added to Housing Information and Resources (Housing III.A.H7.) to be funded by (a) $1,000 from Rental Licensing (Housing II.A.H3.) and (b) $500 from Non-resident Owner and Tenant Education (Housing II.A.H5.); (4) $500 is added to University Cooperation (Transportation I.A.T2.) to be funded by $500 from University Transit Services (Transportation III.A.T9.); (5) $2,300 is added to Community Events/Town Meetings (Community Building I.C.CB5.) to be funded by (a) $1,000 from Van Cleve Event (Parks II.A.P3.), (b) $1,000 from Neighborhood Events (Public Safety I.B.PS4.), and (c) $300 from Bike Safety Awareness Day (Transportation IV.B.T14); and (6) $6,500 is added to Communications Plan (Community Building I.C.CB6.) to be funded by (a) $1,500 from Community Service Information (Community Services II.A.CS4.), (b) $500 from Safety and Security Information (Public Safety II.A.PS9.), (c) $1,000 from Safety Resources (Public Safety II.C.PS10.), (d) $2,000 from Welcome Packet (Public Safety II.C.PS11.), (e) $1,000 from Communications (Business and Economic Development I.B.B3.), and (e) $500 from Business and Service Directory (Business and Economic Development I.B.B4.). Additionally, the wording of Revolving Loan Fund (Housing I.A.H2.) is changed to allow for a maximum loan amount of $3,500 per year per loan.
2First Step02/16/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the First Step Plan to shift a total of $14,800 in 1998. The funds are shifted to the following strategies: (1) $14,300 is added to Neighborhood Staff (Plan Implementation & Community Building I.C.CB-5.); and (2) $500 is added to Communications Plan (Plan Implementation & Community Building I.C.CB-4.). The funds are taken from the following strategies: (1) $500 is taken from Thouroughfare Greening (Environment I.A.E-1.); (2) $1,000 is taken from Neighborhood Gateways and Signs (Environment I.A.E-3.); (3)$300 is taken from Bus Stop Planning (Environment I.A.E-4.); (4) $1,000 is taken from Semi Participation (Environment II.A.E-5.); (5) $500 is taken from Transportation for Children (Community Services IV.A.CS-6.); (6) $1,500 is taken from Housing Information and Resources (Housing III.A.H-5); (7) $500 is taken from Lighting Needs and Opportunities (Public Safety and Crime I.A.PS-1.); (8)$3,000 is taken from Graphic Identity (Economic Development and Business IV.A.ED-9.); (9) $1,000 is taken from Traffic Study (Transportation I.A.T-1.); (10) $2,000 is taken from Talmadge-Rollins Bike route (Transportation IV.A.T-7.); (11) $500 is taken from Bike Racks and Benches (Transportation IV.A.T-8.); and (12) $3,000 is taken from Grand Round/UM Connection (Transportation IV.A.T-9.).
3First Step07/16/99The NRP Director approved a modification to the First Step Plan to reallocate $4,000 in 1998 from Habitat Project (Environment II.A.E-6) to Sports Field at Van Cleve (Parks I.A.P-1). The modification also modifies the language of Sports Field at Van Cleve (Parks I.A.P-1) to allow for a broader range of improvements.
4Full Action Plan08/08/01The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to revise the language of Tuttle School Grounds (Schools I.A.S2.) to allow for funds to be spent on programs as well as facility improvements.
5Full Action Plan10/26/01 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to revise the language of Cops on Bikes (Public Safety I.D.PS6.) to allow for greater flexibility in addressing crime and safety issues.
6Full Action Plan02/18/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $121,400. The funds are reallocated from the following seven strategies: (1) $30,000 in 1998 from Lighting at 15th and Como (Public Safety I.A.PS2.); (2) $3,000 ($800 in 1998; $600 in 2000; $600 in 2001; $600 in 2002; and $400 in 2003) from Block Clubs (Public Safety I.B.PS3.); (3) $2,900 ($500 in 1998; $480 in 2000; $480 in 2001; $480 in 2002; $480 in 2003; and $480 in 2004) from Graffiti Reduction (Public Safety I.E.PS7.); (4) $52,000 ($2,000 in 2000; $25,000 in 2001; and $25,000 in 2002) from Safer Public Spaces (Public Safety I.F.PS8.); (5) $11,000 ($2,200 in 2000; $2,200 in 2001; $2,200 in 2002; $2,200 in 2003; and $2,200 in 2004) from SE Como Business Association (Business and Economic Development I.A.B1.); (6) $19,500 ($4,000 in 2000; $4,000 in 2001; $4,000 in 2002; $4,000 in 2003; and $3,500 in 2004) from Public Parking at 15th and Como (Business and Economic Development IV.B.B11.); and (7) $3,000 in 2000 from University Relations (Community Building I.E.CB9.). The funds are reallocated to the following two strategies: (1) $35,900 ($22,640 in 2002; $7,080 in 2003; and $6,180 in 2004) to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.); and (2) $85,500 ($31,300 in 1998; $12,280 in 2000; $32,280 in 2001; and $9,640 in 2002) to Tuttle School Grounds (Schools I.A.S2.).
7Full Action Plan12/08/03 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to revise the language of Community Education (Community Services I.A.CS1.) to allow for funds for a wider variety of community education opportunities.
8Full Action Plan02/14/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $19,500. The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $12,500 ($7,500 in 2000 and $5,000 in 2001) from Crosswalks at 15th and Como (Transportation I.B.T4.); (2) $2,000 in 1998 from Talmadge-Rollins Bike Route (Transportation IV.A.T10.); and (3) $5,000 in 2000 from Bike Diverter at 17th and Rollins (Transportation IV.A.T11.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $17,500 ($12,500 in 2000 and $5,000 in 2001) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (2) $2,000 in 1998 to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
9Full Action Plan08/22/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $1,000 in 1998 (First Step) from Alley Speed Bumps (Transportation II.B.T7.) to Lighting at 15th and Como (Public Safety I.A.PS2.).
10Full Action Plan10/24/05The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $12,464.19. The funds are reallocated from the following ten strategies: (1) $0.75 in 1998 from Tuttle School Grounds (Schools I.A.S2.); (2) $3,477.09 in 1998 from Southeast Como Business Association (Business and Economic Development I.A.B1.)' (3) $31.12 in 2000 from Southeast Library (Community Services I>C>CS3.); (4) $2,000 ($500 in each of the years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) from Promotion of Services (Community Services II.A.CS5.); (5) $2,500 ($500 in each of the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004) from Southeast Organization Networking (Community Services II.A.CS6.) (6) $117.39 in 1998 from Way to Grow (Community Services IV.B.CS10.); (7) $2,577.84 in 2000 from Toy and Book Lending Library (Community Services IV.B.CS11.); (8) $1,000 in 1998 from University Cooperation (Transportation I.A.T2.); (9) $260 in 1998 from Alley Speed Bumps (Transportation II.B.T7.) and (10) $500 in 1998 from Metro Transit Buses (Transportation III.A.T8.). The funds are reallocated to the following two strategies: (1) $4,500 ($500 in 2000; $1,000 in 2001; $1,000 in 2002; $1,000 in 2003 and $1,000 in 2004) to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); and (2) $7,964.19 ($5,355.23 in 1998; and $2,608.96 in 2000) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.).
11Full Action Plan11/10/05 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $100,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to the following strategies: (1) $17,090.64 in Program Income to Resource Center (Housing III.B.H8.); (2) $6,517.04 in Program Income to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); (3) $33,251.68 in Program Income to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.); (4) $37,510.64 in Program Income to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (5) $5,630 in Program Income to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
12Full Action Plan06/21/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $19,577.63 from the following strategies: (1) $6,000 ($1,200 in each of the years 2000 through 2004) from Implement Codes (Housing II.A.H4.); (2) $3,000 in 1998 (First Step) from Safety Improvements (Public Safety I.C.PS5.); (3) $6,577.63 in 1998 (Early Access) from Tuttle School Playground (Schools I.A.S1.); and (4) $4,000 in 1998 (First Step) from Talmadge-Rollins Bike Route (Transportation IV.A.T10.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $9,000 ($3,000 in 1998-First Step and $1,200 in each of the years 2000 to 2004) to Resource Center (Housing III.B.H8.); (2) $6,577.63 in 1998 (Early Access) to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); and (3) $4,000 in 1998 (First Step) to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
13Full Action Plan07/19/06The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $24,500 in 2004 from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.).
14Full Action Plan06/21/07The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $21,370.43 from the following strategies: (1) $2,990 in 1998-First Step from SEMI Participation (Environment II.A.E7.); (2) $8,180.43 ($5,160 in 2000 and $3,020.43 in 2001) from Cops on Bikes (Public Safety I.D.PS6.); (3) $3,000 in 2000 from Traffic Calming on Talmadge (Transportation I.C.T5.); (4) $6,200 ($5,200 in 2000 and $1,000 in 2001) from Bike Diverter at 17th and Rollins (Transportation IV.A.T11.); and (5) $1,000 in 1998-First Step from Bike Racks and Benches (Transportation IV.A.T12.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $10,200 ($1,000 in 1998-First Step; $8,200 in 2000; and $1,000 in 2001) to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); and (2) $11,170.43 ($2,990 in 1998-First Step; $5,160 in 2000; and $3,020.43 in 2001) to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.).
15Full Action Plan06/22/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $24,877.36 from the following strategies: (1) $2,755.75 in 1998-First Step from Neighborhood Gateways and Signs (Environment I.A.E3.); (2) $3,000 in 2001 from Habitat Project (Environment II.A.E8.); (3) $5,305 in 1998-First Step from Good Neighbor Agreements (Environment III.A.E10.); (4) $776.92 ($176.92 in 2003 and $600 in 2004) from Block Clubs (Public Safety I.B.PS3.); (5) $1,359.26 in 2000 from Promotion of Services (Community Services II.A.CS5.); (6) $8,180.43 ($1,580.43 in 2002; $3,300 in 2003; and $3,300 in 2004) from Resource Programs (Community Building I.D.CB8); and (7) $3,500 ($500 in 2001; $1,000 in 2002; $1,000 in 2003; and $1,000 in 2004) from University Relations (Community Building I.D.CB9). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $8,180.43 ($8,060.75 in 1998-First Step; and $119.68 in 2000) to Resource Center (Housing III.B.H8.); (2) $3,500 in 2001 to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); (3) $10,000 ($623.08 in 2002; $4,476.92 in 2003; and $4,900 in 2004) to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.); and (4) $3,196.93 ($1,239.58 in 2000; and $1,957.35 in 2001) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.).
16Full Action Plan11/15/07 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $100,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to the following strategies: (1) $21,025 in Program Income to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); (2) $61,674.80 in Program Income to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (3) $17,300.20 in Program Income to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
17Full Action Plan11/24/08 The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $100,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in Program Income to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); (2) $40,000 in Program Income to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.); (3) $45,000 in Program Income to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (4) $5,000 in Program Income to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
18Full Action Plan11/30/09The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $100,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to the following strategies: (1) $34,300 in Program Income to Pollution Prevention (Environment III.A.E11.); (2) $59,700 in Program Income to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (3) $6,000 in Program Income to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
19Full Action Plan03/07/11The NRP Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $83,468.82 from the following strategies: (1) $42,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.); (2) $5,000 in 2004 from Public Trees (Environment I.B.E6.); (3) $2,825.40 in 2004 from Cops on Bikes (Public Safety I.D.PS6.); (4) $23,643.42 in 1998-First Step from Tuttle School Grounds (Schools I.A.S2.); and (5) $10,000 in 1998-First Step from Business Loans/Grants (Business and Economic Development II.A.B5.). The funds are reallocated to the following strategies: (1) $7,850 ($7,643.42 in 1998-First Step and $206.58 in 2004) to Resource Center (Housing III.B.H8.); (2) $18,000 in 1998-First Step to Community Gardening and Greening (Environment I.B.E5.); (3) $49,618.82 ($7,618.82 in 2004 and $42,000 in Program Income) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.); and (4) $8,000 in 1998-First Step to Communications (Community Building I.C.CB7.).
20Full Action Plan03/09/12The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $15,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.).
21Full Action Plan04/23/12the NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $15,000 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.) to the following strategies: (1) $10,000 in Program Income to Housing Information and Resources (Housing III.A.H7>); and (2) $5,000 in Program Income to Staff and Office (Community Building I.B.CB3.).
22Full Action Plan02/19/13The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate a total of $15,671.35 of Phase I funds ($3,171.35 in 2000 and $12,500 in Program Income) to Phase II strategy, Neighborhood Office and Staff (Phase II Plan, Building Community BCA1.). The funds are reallocated from the following strategies: (1) $12,500 in Program Income from Revolving Loan Program (Housing I.A.H2.); (2) $497.45 in 2000 from Traffic Calming on Talmage (Transportation I.C.T5.); and (3) $2,673.90 in 2000 from Resource Programs (Community Building I.D.CB8.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #22 and Phase II Plan Modification #2.)
23Full Action Plan04/09/15The NCR Director approved a modification to the Action Plan to reallocate $13,025 in 2002 from Prioritizing Improvements (Housing I.A.H1.) to Phase II strategy, Resource Center (Phase II Plan, Housing HB1.). (This is Phase I Plan Modification #23 and Phase II Plan Modification #3.)

Southeast Como Neighborhood Action Plan Summary (SU-7 P1) run on 03/15/2025 at 11:21 AM